Cosmetic Dentistry – North Bethesda, MD

Creating a Beautiful Smile Just for You

What is the first thing that someone meeting your first time is going to notice about you? Most of the time, the answer will be your smile. Of course, this can be an embarrassing notion if your teeth are duller or more worn down than you’d like them to be. If your confidence is affected by worries about your teeth and gums, give Aesthetic & Family Dentistry of North Bethesda a call to discuss the variety of treatment options that we offer for cosmetic dentistry here in Bethesda, MD. We’ll be able to take years off your appearance in just a few short visits, and you may be surprised at the dramatic difference that even a few small corrections can make.

Man and woman with flawless smiles thanks to cosmetic dentistry

Why Choose Aesthetic & Family Dentistry of North Bethesda for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Experienced Team of
    Two Caring Dentists
  • Fully Customized
    Dental Procedures
  • Convenient In-House
    Savings Plan

Porcelain Veneers

Woman's smile compared to porcelain veneer shade options

If you’re dealing with cracks, stains, gaps, and other dental flaws all at once, it may be hard to believe that you can completely transform your smile in just two short visits. But with porcelain veneers, it’s possible to do just that. Each veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that has been hand crafted to fit perfectly over the fronts of your teeth to hide the various imperfections simultaneously. The porcelain will be expertly shaded so as to blend in seamlessly with your other teeth. Better still, the material will resist stains much better than your natural enamel, so your bright new smile will last.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Crowns

Dentist examining smile after metal free dental crown restoration

While some dentists still use metal materials to make fillings and crowns, it’s undeniable that they come with several unwanted downsides, not the least of which is not being aesthetically pleasing in your smile. Fortunately, today dental restorations can be made out of zirconia, Emax, and porcelain, all of which can be shaded to match your natural teeth. Don’t worry; metal-free crowns are still strong and durable enough to last for years, so there’s no need to hesitate when using them to chew your favorite foods.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Dental patient receiving cosmetic dental bonding treatment

With cosmetic bonding, we can repair cracked, broken, or otherwise damaged teeth in just one appointment. It’s the treatment of choice that we recommend for anyone that only has a few minor cosmetic issues to worry about. We’ll use composite resin that can be seamlessly blended into the enamel so that no one else realizes that it’s there; it’s ideal for giving your smile a quick touch-up.

Teeth Whitening

Woman sharing bright smile after teeth whitening

Did you know that there are different kinds of whitening solutions? Everyone has different needs, and different approaches are sometimes needed depending on your teeth and gums. We have two in-office whitening treatments and two take-home systems. No matter which one you choose, you can reliably expect a brighter grin in a relatively short amount of time. We can discuss the details of each process in person, but here are the basics:

  • We recommend Crest 3D take home trays for patients with low tooth sensitivity. This can be thought of as a convenient “entry-level” solution.
  • If your teeth are sensitive but you still want a convenient solution, you can ask about Smile Perfected. You’ll spend 20 minutes in our dental office with a light-activated whitening solution, which will brighten your tooth by several shades in just one appointment. You’ll be given some take-home tools to touch up your smile as needed .
  • KöR in-office whitening is the treatment of choice if you’re looking for a more dramatic change. It requires greater long-term commitment, but the results are worth it.
  • We also have KöR take-home whitening solutions available. Normally, you will use the KöR whitening kit for about two weeks before seeing results. You’ll wear custom trays filled with whitening gel for either 30 minutes every day or 8 hours every night; it depends on which type of KöR whitening solution that you select.
  • Our KöR in-office whitening procedure can also be combined with our take-home whitening solutions, which can produce dazzling results.

Gum Recontouring

Animated smile during gum recontouring treatment

Are your gums way more apparent than your teeth whenever you smile? An unbalanced grin can be embarrassing to show off, which is unfortunate after you’ve gone to all the effort to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. Fortunately, by undergoing gum recontouring, you can have the gum tissue that you don’t want or need removed. We will gently reshape your gumline so that your overall smile is more symmetrical and generally pleasing to the eye.

Smile Makeovers

Woman sharing flawless smile after makeover

All of our different restorative and cosmetic services have their own advantages, and they’re suitable for making many different kinds of corrections. When your entire smile needs a makeover, one treatment may not be enough to make all the necessary corrections. We can plan a smile makeover for you that combines various treatments for the best possible result; the smile of your dreams never has to be out of reach.

The process begins with us examining your smile and determining the state of your oral health. You can bring pictures of your favorite smiles if you’d like; this can serve as a useful visual for the changes you have in mind, and it will help you set up realistic expectations. We will go over the treatment options, and we can show you computer images and before-and-after photos to give you an idea of what your smile will look like after your treatment is complete. You deserve a beautiful smile, and we’re prepared to do whatever we can to help make that happen.