Aesthetic & Family Dentistry of North Bethesda

5 Important Oral Health Tips During Summer Vacation

June 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 8:24 pm
Group of friends smiling while eating pizza on vacation

Whether you’ve had the opportunity to travel a lot this year or you’re taking your first trip this summer, the last thing you want is for a dental injury to get in the way. The good news is that there are several proactive measures you can take while you’re gone to help prevent that from happening! So, keep reading to learn five important oral health tips for your summer vacation.


Give the Gift of an Enhanced Smile to the Graduate in Your Life

May 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 8:31 am
a graduate with a beautiful smile

Graduating from high school or college is an exciting time because it means launching into a new beginning! Whether the next adventure is a dream career or attending a long-awaited college, you want to do all you can to support the graduate in your life. A unique and beneficial gift to give them is cosmetic dentistry. An upgraded smile can help them feel confident and renewed for their upcoming journey. Here are four of the best cosmetic dental treatments to give to a new graduate.


Use Your Tax Refund to Invest in Your Smile!

April 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 3:48 pm
a man who used her tax refund to invest in a beautiful smile

Tax Day is April 18th and that means, along with April showers, some extra cash should be sprinkling in from your tax refund! As you consider what to spend your additional funds on, you should consider the difference it can make for your smile. There are many dental services that are a worthy investment in your oral health. Read on to learn about how using your tax refund for your dental health is a great idea and the available options to care for your smile.


4 Tips to Make Your Dental Checkup Go Well 

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 6:30 pm
patient smiling while talking to dentist

Regular dental checkups are essential because they allow your dentist to catch issues early on so you can maintain good oral health. They also provide an opportunity to receive important tips on home dental care so you can save time and money on procedures. There are several ways to make your dental appointments go as well as possible. Read on to learn four helpful tips to use during your biannual appointments to ensure a smooth visit.


The Connection Between Your Smile & Your Heart

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 12:05 am
a dentist smiling and holding a small heart

February is not just a celebration of the love you have in your life, but your literal heart! It is American Heart Month, which means there is no better time to pay special attention to one of the most important organs of your body. Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, you will want to do everything you can to care for it. But did you realize that heart health is not just about watching what you eat and exercising? Your oral health can directly impact it as well. Here’s how the state of your mouth and your heart are connected.


What Holiday Foods Could Potentially Hurt Your Teeth?

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 1:17 am
plate of Christmas cookies

No matter what theories you’ve heard floated on the matter, perhaps The Grinch was so mean simply because he wasn’t getting the opportunity to eat holiday food. After all, it’s pretty darn tasty! As you probably know, however, tasty can also mean trouble for your tooth enamel if you aren’t careful. For the sake of your oral health, you need to be especially diligent about brushing and flossing this time of year. Keep reading as your dentist in North Bethesda reminds you of some delicious holiday foods that can begin to steal your tooth enamel if you don’t watch out!


Questions to Ask Your Dentist Before Your Smile Makeover

November 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 7:51 pm
A Patient Talking to their Dentist

The world of cosmetic dentistry is vast, and it can be difficult to orient yourself when you first begin to explore it. It’s even harder if you’re looking for a complete smile makeover. Figuring out what procedures you need and where to get them can take quite a bit of time. Even if you’ve scheduled an upcoming consultation, it helps to know where to start. To help, here are some of the questions you should ask your dentist.


Busting Five Popular Myths About Dental Implants

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 10:13 pm
Patient holding a model of dental implants.

Dental implants have revolutionized modern dentistry and are now considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They’re able to fully restore lost teeth in terms of look and feel, and the American Dental Association estimates that over five million of them are placed every year! Despite this, there are still some odd rumors and myths floating around about dental implants that deter people from receiving them. Here’s more from your dentist in North Bethesda about five myths concerning dental implants that simply aren’t true.


The Importance of Preventive Care in Dentistry

August 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 9:50 pm

One reason why you should always attend regular cleanings and checkups is that it can help your smile look its best. However, there is much more to your routine visits than just that. Having your teeth cleaned may not be your favorite, but you may be surprised by all the ways it can benefit you. Read on to learn some of the reasons why you should always seek preventive care on a regular basis.


Our New Blog Is Live!

July 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 7:49 pm
Welcome sign lying on desk with coffee and laptop

After lots of work behind the scenes, we are excited to share that our new blog is live! Now more than ever, it’s important to have a place to turn for reliable, consistent, and relevant information. On this platform, we look forward to doing just that. From tips for caring for your smile to a review of popular trends, our North Bethesda dentist will review a wide range of topics right here. We encourage you to check back periodically to read the latest from us, but, in the meantime, you can learn more about us right here.

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